
We Need a Savior
(A One-man Musical)

A Christmas piece that tells the story of the birth of Jesus from an African perspective. It consists of various elements from different genres beautifully knitted to convey the depth and essence of this important story and the earnest need for a savior in this broken and sinful world. This story is told and expressed in an uncommon theatrical medium, hence, a One-Man musical.

(A Two-Man Musical)

Addressing Conflict in Marriage from the Perspective of the Gospel

Set against the backdrop of a bustling West African city, Renewal (A Two-Man Musical): Addressing Conflict in Marriage from the Perspective of the Gospel of Christ – is a peep into the lives of a Christian married couple working through their marital struggles. The ebb and flow of sweet moments and crises inadvertently leads them to search for answers in God’s word.

Spirit & Truth
Worship Series

In reference to the conversation of Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the Well in the Gospel of John chapter 4, in verse 13, Jesus said to the woman “Whosoever drink of this water, shall not thirst again…” Then in verses 23 and 24, Jesus said to the woman that “the hour comes and now is when the true Worshippers shall worship God in Spirit and in Truth: for the Father seek such to worship him” because “God is Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.”